Wednesday, 3 September 2008

Students, X-rays, Audit

Yesterday we said goodbye to Tiff and Becky, our excellent medical students on elective here. They're off to UK via a well-earned little holiday in Kenya. They've been working really hard here and made a good impression with all the departments in JTH and we wish them well in the future!
I've mentioned gun shot wounds before, and there's no need to really really labour the point. I did however want to show you a remarkable x-ray. This was a 7 year old child who was one of the many patients who came in from the countryside following some tribal conflict. She'd taken a bullet from above the shoulder. Amazingly, she was completely asymptomatic - a really happy and well child! She was discharged a few days ago.

I'm currently also working on a follow-up Grand Round teaching session on Fluids and Shock for all the doctors to be delivered on Saturday. I've finally finished the first draft of an audit looking at the acute care here. It basically shows that David and I are spending our teaching and training time in the right areas! It's the simple things that can make a difference here. (Hence the teaching on ABCDE, Fluids, Shock etc...) Below are a few of the graphs which illustrate some of the salient points. I hope when I re-audit later on we can demonstrate some measurable differences that the link has made to Juba.

That's all for now.


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